USB c vs Micro USB: What Are The Differences Between Them?

USB c vs micro USB

People are currently in a lot of confusion as to which is better because micro USB is still being used in many devices in the market while, on the other hand, mobile and laptop companies are using USB c connector in flagship devices.

Micro USB devices also have a headphone jack or 3.5 mm jack. USB c devices generally do not use it. Due to all these many types of conditions, many people are going to face some annoying and challenging situations.

Today I will talk about the solution to all these problems and the details of USB c vs micro USB these two running connectors.

Those who are still using devices that are quite old or have a micro USB port can select micro USB. But for those who want to keep pace with the future, for those, I will recommend selecting a USB c connector. I was hoping you could read my article to know various reasons.

What is micro USB?

What is micro USB

In the present time, it can be called an old-time connector. Since 2007, Micro USB had many successes. It was made possible to the power supply and charge a variety of products, including fast data transfer and mobile phone charges.

One of the best success is, you can use OTG and portable flash drives by micro USB, which was not possible to use on mobile devices through any other connectors before.

USB stands for Universal Serial Bus. It is available with different versions, including USB A, USB, and USB 3.0.

What is USB C?

What is USB C

Currently, the most effective and running connector is USB c. came in the market a few days ago, now all the mobile companies and laptop companies are leaning more towards USB c connectors. There is a good reason behind this because USB c is the only device through which it is possible to run many bulky devices, including laptops and mobiles.

It can carry loads up to about 100 watts. And because of its high speed, speedy data transfer and super-fast charging are possible.

USB c connectors are available in many versions, including 2.0, 3.0, and 3.1.

USB c vs micro USB: Actual Comparison

USB c vs micro USB

Fast charging

Even a few days ago, fast charging using micro USB was not very common. At present, some mobiles are currently using micro USB for fast charging. But it is not very useful.
Again, seen that after a few days of use, the fast charge stops working because its PIN is easily damaged, and connecting is also a lot of trouble.

On the other hand, the use of fast charge with USB c connector is widespread in almost all leading phones. The charging speed of USB c is double that of micro USB. So now, USB c is used in many mobile devices because it works quite well with lithium-ion batteries.
And the rate of damage to this connector is much lower because there is no fear of breaking its pin.
Also, It can fast charge devices up to 30 watts.

Data Transfer speed

Micro USB data transfer speed is much lower. Only the version USB 3.0 transfer speed is the highest in Micro USB. However, in the current situation, the amount of data that everyone uses to transfer with micro USB, they are not satisfied with the transfer speed. Because devices are updated day by day, and software is getting heavier.

People are being attracted too much with higher resolution. And if the resolution is higher, its size will be more and requires high transfer speed. But the speed of the micro USB is not increasing as required.

On the other hand, the transfer speed of USB c is much higher than the Micro USB. It is possible to transfer data at SuperSpeed through USB c connector, which is more than Micro USB version 3.0.

But you have to keep an eye on the version of USB c. Because version 2.0 of USB c connector is ancient, which is not as fast as version 3.1 of USB c.

Versatile use

The micro USB connector can only transfer video frequencies, but USB c is capable of transferring both audio and video. Because of this, various companies are currently removing the 3.5mm headphone jack from the phone and arranging for simultaneous charge and sound transfer with the USB c port.

Another great feature of USB c is the reversible connector. The structure of USB c made in such a way that both sides can be connected. Straightforwardly and reversely. The advantage of this you do not have to find the head of the connector repeatedly and the possibility of breaking the pin is meager.

But there is no such type of advantage in micro USB. It is only possible to connect with one side only, which is a bit annoying.

Final word

I have reviewed USB c vs micro USB, but keep in mind that in today’s world of micro USB, everyone is leaning towards USB c. Because of the versatility of the USB c connector.
If it is possible to charge all devices or transfer data with one cable or connector, then why would you use so many connectors!