Best Flux for Forge Welding – Your Buyer’s Guide for 2022

best flux for forge welding

Blacksmithing relies heavily on forge welding. It is used for attaching two metal parts. It is as simple as heating two metal pieces to a high temperature and hammering them together. This technique will be improved by using the Best Forge Welding Flux.

However, forge welding presents several difficulties for blacksmiths. Most procedures result in scales on the surface of the materials, as well as other undesired outcomes. Welding surfaces frequently oxidize, resulting in a poor-quality weld.

The inclusion of borax helps prevent forge welding surfaces from oxidizing. It will also remove any contaminants that may produce a poor quality weld on the material’s surface.

The use of flux has long been a long-term solution to this problem. Fine silica sand is the earliest type of flux used by ancient blacksmiths. Modern blacksmiths utilize borax in conjunction with powdered iron fillings.

However, if you often forge a Damascus blade or forge weld numerous layers of metal, you will most likely require a high-quality forge welding flux.

There are several types and brands of flux suited for forge welding. However, if you want the finest results and the most value for money, you must aim for the best items.

So, which fluxes are appropriate for your forge welding processes?

ImageProduct NameEditor's RatingPrice

Peterson #1 Blue Flux, Coarse Powder, 1 lb Can
Peterson #1 Blue Flux, Coarse Powder, 1 lb Can

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Anvil Iron Mountain Forge Welding Flux
Anvil Iron Mountain Forge Welding Flux

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US Forge 2350 Eight-Ounce Brazing Flux
US Forge 2350 Eight-Ounce Brazing Flux

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Best Forge Welding Flux

It is a matter of personal choice. However, the benefits of utilizing a forge welding flux are enormous. To put things simply, forge welding can induce oxidation, which results in scales and surface imperfections.

You won’t need flux if you choose TIG/MIG welding. However, the workpiece must be completely clean and well sealed. Blacksmiths, on the other hand, favor forge welding since it is more dependable and may last a long time.

The problem is that forge welding takes intense concentration and exceptional competence. Forge welding is not for the faint of heart.

Scales are unsightly. You don’t want them in your final product since it reflects bad craftsmanship. We recommend using a high-quality forge welding flux to keep your creations clean.

Borax is one of the most apparent possibilities because it has no chemicals and is widely accessible as a laundry detergent.

Although borax is an excellent choice, several manufacturers provide specific flux for forge welding. They may be used for high temperatures, brazing, cast welding, and a variety of metals.

And, like with all other products, there are a plethora of alternative possibilities. They are not all equally effective.

We’ve taken care of the tricky part. Here are some of the top forge welding fluxes that guarantee great quality and superior outcomes.

1. Peterson #1 Blue Flux, Coarse Powder, 1 lb Can

Peterson #1 Blue Flux, Coarse Powder, 1 lb Can

Why do we like it so much?

You’re sick of using low-quality flux that allows scales to accumulate, right? Not to worry! The Peterson flux is extremely dependable and effective. This flux, in addition to preventing scale development, aids in the creation of a stronger weld.

This flux also aids in the removal of additional impurities from the metal. The Peterson flux has a working temperature range of 1200 °F to 1600 °F. Besides, you can choose some Propane Forge for Forge Welding.

Suitable for a Variety of Materials

It’s a fantastic choice for brazing steel, malleable iron, and cast iron, as well as welding brass, copper, and bronze. Brazing is a common metal-joining method in which multiple metal pieces are connected together by melting and flowing a filler material at the site of contact.

What role does this flux play in brazing? It reacts with the oxides generated during the process, lowering their viscosity and melting temperatures. These low viscosity oxides leak out of the junction when the metal layers/pieces are hammered together.

Further Information

AWS Brazing Classification FB3-F Peterson flux is also available in blue powder form and works with BAg and BCup (phos-copper-silver alloy) filler metals. It is also a general-purpose flux that is suited for the majority of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys.

This product is also suitable for brazing carbides, ferrous and non-ferrous metals. This flux is often composed of borates and fluorides.

Still not sure why this is our #1 choice? On Amazon, Peterson fluxes are the best-selling brand in the brazing flux category. With several delighted customers, this flux has become Amazon’s preferred product.

Simple to Use

Furthermore, the flux is really simple to use. All you have to do is dip the brazing rod in and VOILA! The flux will cling to it. The powder will begin to melt if you continue to add heat.

Simply apply hot water to the affected region to eliminate the excess flux residue.

This flux has been effectively used to forge weld 1095 steel (carbon content 0.90-1.03 percent) and 1075 steel (carbon content 0.70-0.80 percent ).

If you want to prevent scales, improve metal fusion, and so create nicer crafts, this flux is the way to go.

Here are some of the product’s advantages and disadvantages.


  • A temperature range of 1200 °F-1600 °F blue powder flux.
  • Brazing Classification FB3-F by AWS.
  • Simple to use.
  • Ideal for brazing.


  • High-temperature forge welds are not recommended.

2. Anvil Iron Mountain Forge Welding Flux

Anvil Iron Mountain Forge Welding Flux

Why do we like it so much?

Even with a flux, you might wind up with some unpleasant scales that are difficult to remove. The Anvil Iron Mountain forge welding flux is somewhat more expensive than other fluxes, but the high quality and ability to produce long-lasting welds make it a worthwhile buy.

The company emphasizes its efficacy in coal, coke, and gas forges. It is one of the most expensive fluxes on the market because it is manufactured in the United States.

Ingredients that are useful

Disodiumtetraborate (NA2B4O2) and pure iron powder are used in this forge welding flux (Fe). This is not your typical forge welding flux.

Another advantage of using flux is that you can quickly remove the residual flux once you’ve finished forging.

The 16 oz. box is not the largest on the market, but it will undoubtedly last a long time. When not in use, make sure the cap is securely fastened. The flux bottle should also be kept in a dry location. Additionally, you can check our review on forge for knife making.

Helpful Hint

To enhance efficiency, scarf the metals to be connected and remove the existing scales with a block/wire brush. When the metals are red hot, apply flux and reheat them until the flux has a glossy appearance.

Regardless, this is an excellent flux from a reputable producer, Iron Mountain Blacksmith Products.

It is an expensive flux, but it will undoubtedly improve the appearance and strength of your welds.


  • Made in the United States of America.
  • High quality.


  • Expensive

3. US Forge 2350 Eight-Ounce Brazing Flux

US Forge 2350 Eight-Ounce Brazing Flux

Why do we like it so much?

The US Forge 2350 brazing flux performs admirably in terms of temperature range and good welds. The firm has been in the industry for many years and is well-known for its diverse blacksmithing and welding equipment.

The flux comes in an 8 oz. jar. The container is not as large as other goods on this list, but for the inexpensive price, it is an excellent buy.

This flux is more effective when used with a low fuming bronze rod, according to the manufacturer. Simply dip the rod into the flux bottle and move it to the weld region.

Helpful Hint

Check that the rod is sufficiently heated. Reheat the weld after adding the flux and waiting for the flux to become glossy. For certain ferrous and non-ferrous metals, the flux can be utilized in conjunction with the low fuming bronze rod.

Us Forge 2350 brazing flux is intended for use at temperatures ranging from 1400°F to 2200°F. Because of its wide temperature range, this flux may also be utilized for forge welding.

Concerned about residual flux? You can get rid of it using your trusty chipping hammer.

Overall, this is a fantastic alternative for those searching for something inexpensive but effective.


  • The active temperature range is 1400-2200 °F.
  • Excellent for brazing.


  • A little amount.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

best flux for forge welding

1. Who should receive this?

Flux is useful in preventing oxidation, scale development, and solid welds. Anyone who brazes or forges metals regularly should invest in a high-quality flux.

In some circumstances, you may operate without flux, but the efficiency and strength of your welds may suffer.

2. Why should you believe us?

We are knowledgeable about blacksmithing, welding, and metalworking tools. Before include a product on our lists, our team thoroughly considers its benefits and downsides.

Forge welding fluxes are an important aspect in creating something distinctive and appealing. We always chose the best items in each area because we have various industry experts and advisers on board.

3. How did we choose?

Some of the variables we examined while making this list are as follows:

Temperature Range: Welding fluxes are designed to perform only within a certain temperature range. Our first aim was to include only fluxes that can function at high temperatures, as forge welding necessitates extremely high temperatures.

Cost: Nobody wants to pay a premium for welding flux. Even the most costly fluxes on this list are reasonably priced. Furthermore, our staff consistently selects items that strike the ideal combination of price and performance.

Container capacity: You don’t want to run out of flux on the first day, do you? We only included fluxes that come in a reasonably sized container. They are simply dipped in by brazing rods.

4. How did we test?

Our adventure began with reading through hundreds of consumer evaluations on various items. Throughout the process, we carefully considered the advantages and disadvantages of each flow by comparing their temperature ranges, cost, and container capacity.

In addition, we requested our staff to test some of the fluxes. By doing so, we were able to determine the finest forge welding fluxes, as well as the benefits and drawbacks of each.

5. Is brazing and forge welding the same thing? Is it possible to utilize the same flux for both?

Brazing joins metal parts by flowing a filler metal in between. Forge welding, on the other hand, fuses metals together.

Only if the temperature range allows for both processes can the same flux be utilized.

6. How do I use flux?

Simply dip the rod into the flux container, reheat the rod in the forge, and wait for the flux to give off a shiny appearance.

7. How may leftover flux be removed?

Getting rid of leftover flux won’t be a problem if you use a high-quality flux. You may remove it with a standard chipping hammer.

8. Is flux required to weld?

You can weld without a flux, but the results may be unsatisfactory. Not only will the flux make the welding process easier for you. It will also increase your productivity and result.

Flux will aid in the extraction of any impurities on the surface of the materials that may interfere with the welding process. It will also prevent oxidation of the welding process during the forging process.

9. Is it okay to use Borax as a flux?

Yes! Borax is one of the most precious materials that may be used as a flux without difficulty. Blacksmiths frequently combine it with iron filings to improve its effectiveness. It improves weld quality by acting as a cleaning and purifying agent for the welding surface.

10. What is the best way to add flux to welding surfaces?

Any flux may be applied to welding surfaces in two ways. The first method involves sprinkling flux on the welding surface. When spreading, make sure the flux covers your entire body.

Submerging the welding surface in a big container of flux is an alternate way. This approach works well with little metal pieces that can fit into a large container.

After you complete heating, just immerse the welding surfaces in the container. Ensure that the flux covers the whole surface.

11. Which metal is incapable of being forged?

Except for cast irons, blacksmiths can forge most metals and irons. Carbon concentration in cast irons is often greater than 2%. As a result, they often have a low melting point and are highly brittle.

Because of these characteristics, it is unsuitable for forging and most other blacksmithing procedures.

12. Can I use charcoal as a fuel during the forging process?

Yes, charcoal may be used as fuel in a standard forge. Because it contains more carbon than wood, charcoal is an excellent forging fuel. It will burn longer and hotter than wood, and it can compete with other coal fuels.

13. Is forge welding suitable for metals?

Forge welding is a method of connecting. It may be used with both high and low carbon steels.

Forge welding is one of the most effective methods of joining metals. When the two metal pieces are liquefied, they produce a solid-state fusion.

14. Where can I purchase flux?

Flux is not a scarce item, and it may be found at a variety of retail outlets and blacksmithing supply stores. You may buy straight from several manufacturers or e-commerce companies online.

The majority of these online solutions include shipping and delivery. As a result, they can assist you in overcoming the inconvenience and obstacle provided by the traditional market.

15. Is pounding required for forge welding?

Yes! Hammering is a fundamental process in forge welding. After heating the two metal parts that will be joined, hammer them together.

The hammering will guarantee that the two metals solidify properly.

16. Is Borax the same as baking soda?

No! In terms of chemical makeup, borax and baking soda are diametrically opposed. Although they are beneficial in home cleaning activities, they are insufficient for blacksmiths.

Borax may be used as a flux for forge welding operations, while baking soda cannot.

17. Is it possible to learn how to utilize flux online?

The internet is an ocean of unending knowledge just waiting to be discovered. You can learn how to utilize Borax online, just like many other skills and processes.

You can go through many useful websites or read various informative pdf resources that are available online.

You may also watch related YouTube videos on how to utilize flux for forge welding. However, you must guarantee that the learning resources you obtain via the internet are from reliable writers and sources.

18. Is flux a solid material?

Fluxes, on the other hand, are not solid. They are powders with tiny granules.

19. Is it possible for flux to start a fire?

There is no proven relationship between flux and fire outbreaks. As a result, it is fair to assume that flux will neither cause or exacerbate fire outbreaks.

20. Is flux required for cold forging?

Cold forging does not require the use of a flux. Another technique that does not require heat or a lot of hammering is cold forging. As a result, it does not require borax since the surface will not oxidize during the forging process.

Furthermore, cold forging is not a suitable method of joining metal components.


Modern blacksmithing is primarily on precision and aesthetics. If the buyer does not find your metal creation appealing, it is game over for you. Using a high-quality flux may significantly strengthen welds while preventing scale development.

All of these items have been carefully selected, and they all offer exceptional value and performance. We propose that you examine your requirements and budget before plunging in headfirst.